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Hat Fail

When someone is wearing a hat backwards and shielding their eyes with their hand.

Bro: dude why are you struggling with the sun right now?
Dude: @#%$! i forgot bro!
Bro: hat FAIL

by FIOHtj December 24, 2009

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Emo fail

An emo fail is a person who tries to act emo but completely makes themselves look like an idiot

John put on eyeliner to try to be emo but failed making him and emo fail

by gayhater69420 July 28, 2017

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Rachel Failing

When one achieves a lower grade than a 90% in a class or on an assignment. As a noun it is Rachel Failure. In Past tense, Rachel Failed

Katie: I'm so stoked, I got an 87%!
Kieran: You still Rachel Failed.

Kieran: I have a 76% in Math!
Katie: Whoa, you're really Rachel Failing.

by Mohammed Abdul Jabar November 13, 2010

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atomic fail

When someone or something has reached seven consecutive epic fail (failures) within an "absurdly small amount of time" it is known as an 'atomic fail' or failure. It is believed that no man, animal or object has ever been able to pull this feat off as failing that many times, so hard and so close together is almost impossible.

The closest record is rumored to attain 4 of the required 7 epic failures, but this claim is unfounded.

Guy 1: Dude that was an atomic failure.
Guy 2: Hey, I know I just killed an old lady, got aids, ground my legs to my knee caps, caught my house on fire and accidentally ate my dog but there's no reason to exaggerate.

by Flopjack July 13, 2008

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Fail Post

Canada Post, Express Post and Priority Post.

"Hey dude your parcel here yet?"

"No dude fail post doesn't fail on the weekend so I have to wait till monday."


"Hey dude where's your parcel at man?"

"Fail post dropped by when I wasn't at home so I have to wait another two days until the failman returns it to the faildepot."

by Earwiggs February 3, 2009

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fail gay

to be unflaboyant or uninitiated in commonly gay convention despite actually being gay

to fail at being gay

"wow.. what a fail gay"

by Onyx Lioness April 24, 2010

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hierarchy of fail

The fail rating system; All fails are bad but some require their own particular term. The heirarchy is as follows:
1. Fail - bad but survivable
2. Epic Fail - Worst fail most people acheive, should make you at least consider suicide and/or mass killings to hide your shame.
3. Jail Fail - Name says it all
4. Death Fail - only useable for darwin award nominees

Only dumb MFs don't properly apply the hierarchy of fail.

by SargeSmith April 27, 2008

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