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final fantasy 3

The greatest installment of the Final Fantasy Series. Anything above 6 is just weak and played mostly by otakus.

Ff3 is the goodness

by larstait October 13, 2003

52๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy X

the best FF game in the whole series, kicks FF7's ass, better battle system and better everything else.

whoever thinks ff7 is better than they are a complete retard, ff7 sucks

by friend of bob is a faggot September 1, 2004

150๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final fantasy XI

Great game, probaly one of the most addicting MMORPGS

Dude this game rocks.

by Impassive August 30, 2004

93๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

final fantasy 7

Sorry, but no, Final Fantasy 6 is not a better game than Final Fantasy 7. The only reason people call FF7 "shit" compared to FF6 is because these people played FF6 when it was STATE OF THE ART and now that ANY game released these days has better graphics than FF6, they can't come to terms with it so they have to bash the next game in the series, which happens to be FF7. To all you "old school" Final Fantasy fanboys/fangirls: get the fuck over yourselves. No one fucking cares if you think FF7 is shit, because the people who know the truth are the ones who still play the game and don't give a shit about what you people think. Just because you like anime and other Japanese culture doesn't mean you have to hate everyone else because they like it too. Get the fuck over yourselves.

Anyone who says FF6 is better than FF7 obviously can't accept the fact that YES, we have moved on from 48*48 sprites!

by Beautiful Scars May 7, 2005

293๐Ÿ‘ 290๐Ÿ‘Ž

final fantasy 7

1.A game famous for setting a new standard for all 32-bit games. It's graphics rival even the 64-bit Nintendo 64 graphics and it's storyline can't be beat. It has everything a great game should have, explosions, death, crazy bad-guys, chocobos and evil corporations.
2. The game that turned Square into an evil corporation (see Square, the evil corporation)

I have over 100 hours on my Fianl Fantasy VII memory card, how about you?

by Connect the Dots April 28, 2005

88๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

final fantasy 9

A Final Fantasy game that gives references throughout the 1st 8 game of the franchise

Final Fantasy 9 gave reference to Josef (FF2), Garland, and the town of Cornelia, just to say the least.

by Bravely Folk December 18, 2003

64๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy 7

An over exaggerated game that has too many fanboys. Some say is the best but is not rightfully so. Fanboys start with this game and because it is their first 3D FF game, think its godlike, which is far from the truth. You have a childish hero, a villian with confusing motivation, and a bunch of teenage drama. Fanboys need to get over it.

Fanboy: OMGZOR Final Fantasy 7 is the best!! <<<(Never played another FF game after VI)

by Rufus_S August 5, 2006

78๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž