The tittie bar legend
Biff Glitter will run up tomorrow n her.
A party where a bunch of girls get together for no reason just to have fun.
(kinda like a girls day out but that's so last century so it's called a glitter party)
Annie and Darla are having a glitter party this weekend at the mall.
Rhyming slang for 'shitter' a.k.a. anus
"Im on the blob (my period) but you can bang be up the Garry (Glitter) if you like"
when a woman/man wants to get a divorce right after they got married
ross wants to divorce cam after one day of being married he's such a glitter vagina
A college aged to mid twenties girl who posts sexy instagram mirror selfies, goes out with "The Squad" 4 nights a week and survives solely off drinks and meals bought by tipsy, love-drunk onlookers.
(person 1) The Glitter Squirrels wanna go out tonight, you in?
(person 2) So we can go to the country bar while they blackout on fireball shots from local off-duty police officers? Nah I'm good.
(person 1) Damn glitter squirrels.
glit- ter- mag -net Glitter Magnet: is a term used to describe a man or male person that is surrounded and or surrounds himself by gay males as his base of friends, and of which is or claims to be !00% hetrosexual
That cute guy over there is just a glitter magnet. what do you mean? He is totally hetro-sexual but he's always at the gay bars with friends.
A group of people on the internet who will add the ✨ emoji into there Social Media Bio’s, Profile Picture’s and anywhere else they can find a place to put it.
There one goal is to terrorize the internet.
We all know this wont happen, but just play along with them
“Bro.. did you hear that Jane is doing that stupid Glittering Rebellion thing?”