A rank on Dawn Amber's discord server. Co-owners with Dawn Amber herself, and excluding her there's three.
They basically police the server, and ban people when they don't ask for it. They can do whatever they like, cause there's no rules for them.
Me: excuse me, boof weckman, can you bean Gayrick?
Boof Weckman: No, he hasn't done anything wrong.
Gayrick: no u
Boof Weckman: *ban*
When boof is dropped, destroyed, stolen or messed up in some way. If you tell your friend he can have a hit of your boof and when you get it back its all the way down to the butt, your Boof has been Oofed. People that Oof Boofs are horrendous criminals and should be locked up forever
Tyrone: *Hits Boof*
Kevin: Yo, Tyrone can I get a hit fam??
Tyrone: Yeah homie go ahead
Kevin: *finishes the shit, in one mothafuckin pull*
Tyrone: YO WTF you done Oofed my Boof niqqa
Jay: HAHAHAHAHA that's one Oofed Boof
It's when you boof biblical cuz it's during church on Sunday.
The Methodist church are biblical boofing every Sunday at 2pm
an affectionate term for your boyfriend when there is a tussle of who is in control in the relationship.....opposite is queen boof
yes King boof that's exactly what I will do
When you are out on the town, fucked up with the crew, lose a tooth and need a bump of cocaine to come back. You have to do it through the ass.
Hey Tiffany just tripped and lost her front tooth. Let’s boof fairy her so she can keep partying!
taking a walk while smoking weed (boof), notably with The boys
Ben: Are we taking a boof walk tomorrow?
Seb: For sure. Just wait 'til you see the joint I rolled.