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slang word for seat

Hey sasquatch are you tired of standing? Come shit here.

by Wenjo December 2, 2007

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1. Poop.
2. Something bad
3. A word people use at random times, as such, when they get hurt, or as an exclamatory meaning.
4. THE shit - meaning something good; can be a compliment

1. "There was a lot of shit on the grass from my dog!"
2. "He's a little peice of shit for messing up my make up!"
3. "SHIT! I stubbed my toe!!"
4. "Dude, that's the shit right there! I want to get that!!"

by there comes a time... March 24, 2007

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When you get too spooked

I just shitted myself.

by bigman234 January 1, 2020

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An adjective used (similar to 'very') to enhance another adjective.

That guy is shit ugly.
It was shit funny!

by POP. October 7, 2009

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1.a word you would use if you were like "danget! i forgot something"

2. a pile of poo

1. oh shit! i forgot to turn off the dryer!
2. look at that shit that's in the toilet!

by FUTBOLFREAK4 July 14, 2009

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the most arousing experience you'll ever cum across.

Armin van Buuren was shit.

by flavs08 January 10, 2011

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1. A very popular exclamation. Can be used in almost any situation.

2. The act of pooping

3. The poop itself

4. Something awesome

5. Shit can also refer to something very flammable and fun to burn while in the woods. Usually plant material, but sometimes dried shit(poo) can also be shit. This is ironic shit.

6. Whatever the fuck you want it to be.

1. Shit! It's due tommorow?!

2. Dude, I have to shit so bad. Why did I eat those brownies your crazy ex sent you...

3. Yeah I woke up and there was shit all over my bathroom. Never drinking after Indian food.

4. Dude this weed is the shit!

5. Hey Brian go get some more shit. The fire's dying.

I feel bad for what we did to the shit
tree, but man it was fun. I hope my
eyebrows grow back.

6. Shit!

by naylordude424 November 30, 2009

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