a toilet that was nuked by someone's shit
"Thats a Nuked toilet in Taco bell. Im not suprised."
A toilet with a head in it, that sings the Skidi song
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Brown toilet water from diarrhea.
After Kevin left the restroom I had to go and realized Kevin made a bowl of toilet gravy. " You suck Kevin!"
A Smartphone; i.e. iPhone, Android, or Blackberry cell phone.
Thank god for my Toilet Computer! I was able to post this Urbandictionary definition while taking a satisfying dump!
Toilet skatingrefers to the state of the male bathroom floor at a nightclub from 11pm-5am where you can walk to the door and almost ice skate to the urinal or shitter due to the copious amounts of piss/alcohol/vomit that covers every square inch of the floor..
Lad1 hey I got so drunk last night I forgot how to Toilet skate amost broke my neck
Hey guys can you help prep the pisser for
Toilet skating
Guys the Toilet skating here is insane I g to the Troff in one glide
a person who takes heavy bathroom breaks many, many times per day, basically slaying the toilet.
Ever since Raj started eating Taco Bell every day he's become a toilet slayer
(n) Toilet: a fixed receptacle into which a person may urinate or defecate, typically consisting of a large bowl connected to a system for flushing away the waste into a sewer or septic tank.
"Liz heard the toilet flush"
(n) Snook: Chiefly British. The gesture of thumbing one's nose in defiance or derision.
“Chiefly in cock a snook at to indicate contempt for by this gesture”
This is slang for a snort of cocaine off a bathroom receptacle. Rolling up the Benjamins and realizing you’ve seen a few too many Ben Affleck films - and the corresponding nightmares. This is for saying, “I could’ve worked on Wall Street,” too many times to the friends that no longer talk to you. This is for saying, “The most successful people drive Honda’s,” at private parties where you’re the poorest guest.
KJ: “Oh shit, Don Rickles just died.”
SCOTT: long pause “...Good”
ANDY: “Fuck that guy! Hey guys, see any good porns lately?”
JJ: “Who the FUCK is Don Rickles?”
CONNOR: “You guys need to lay off of the toilet snooks.”