Like a k-hole, but you don’t eat, sleep or shower until a technical problem is solved
That bug really sent me into a dev-hole
It's the maximum possible way to express the greatest human body part, some people like to lick it, other like to play with it and so on, but finally it's designed for shatting
Dis is shat holeisious
Les shat hole
A person that has lost their grip on reality and believes hearsay over any other form of information. Some say cognitive dissonance derives from this initial behaviour and it can be treated with activities such as sanding and white goods maintenance.
"Honestly, he's such a Pi (hole), he told me to drink coffee before sleeping"
"She told me about that too, what a Pi (hole)"
When a fat chick masturbates with a cheese stick.
Brad :"Yo I ate bitch out, it tasted like cheese"
Kyle : "Dude, she's got a moldy hole that's why."
When you go really deep into the bottom of the pussy.
Can I go over so that you can dick drip drop hole on this pussy.
3 Glory Holes is a 3-month-old girl made in Ceramics. She is possessed by 3 demons named Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Satan. She has 3 Glory
*on* Hey, do you wanna see something?
*shows three glory holes* Her name is three glory holes!
somebody with alot of facial scarring from acne, such as ice pick scarring
that Holes nigga over there looks like a bad road!