In love with grayson dolan and loves wii music. spends most of her time facetiming her bff libby or in instagram sending her memes
hey you see that lexi b girl?
she loves a good meme
A guy that has a massive cock and pulls all the milfs.
Jennifer - that guy is such a “B-Whip” his cock is massive
2👍 3👎
She’s so hot
Hi Laurel b-12, how are your pillows doing today?
Jack A B**** : half jack ass and half bitch,obnoxious etc etc.
Search that Jack a b just cut me off and almost made me wreck.
A word used to convince someone to buy you a bass guitar
Pronounced: BAse
Son: *walks up to parents* B A S S
*does this for a few months*
Parents: *buys a bass guitar
B A S S is a instrument for PRO SLAPPERS! The instrument is one of the few instruments that is approved by Davie504, it was a true gift from the instrument gods. If you play B A S S it means you're a PRO and a SLAPPER, not a filthy, N00B, Guitar (6-String Bass) player.
B A S S and Drums are BFFs, B A S S and Guitar (6-String Bass) are ENIMIES!
1: I play B A S S, not a filthy Guitar!
2: Send B A S S, NOW!
B Ass is a way to get away from saying as*.
Word was introduced by Davie504 on youtube.