Every 9th of a month, the Official Day of Ignoring is celebrated.
On this day you can easily and without any guilt or shame ignore everyone and everything you don't want to waste your precious time with.
It has its roots in the urgent desire to ignore annoying people and tasks, something all humans share.
So: GO and Ignore!
A:"Hey. How are you? Wanna hang out?"
B:*ignores A, because it is Official Day of Ignoring*
Someone that ignores you text's, emails and messages
Don't be an ignore-asaurus, call me!
When one is ignorant of the power of coochie.
Person: Eh, I like girls but I can’t mess with the...
Me: “That’s coochie ignoration!”
Ignore your boyfriend/girlfriend all day without consequence
Tom: Hey, how are you?
Alisa: (says nothing)
Tom: Why are you ignoring me?
Alisa: Because it's National Ignore Your Partner Day.
When a gamer doesn't do something on the game that they are playing but instead asks why they couldn't do that certain thing and how they do that thing to the point of mashing random buttons or to the point of questioning the game's development.
This usually makes the person watching angry.
Gamer: OMFG HOW DO I OPEN THIS DOOR?!?!!? *mashing random buttons until the door opens*
Viewer: I swear, this guy has so much gamer's ignorance.
November is Ignore Boys Month. This is the month when girls ignore boys. They might not ignore them all the time, but the boys will know that they’re ignoring them a lot more. Watch out, boys!
“It’s ignore boys month! Fuck, man...”
“These girls, man. Not good.”
Why are they doing it? Because they want me to murder your kids. Your kids are fodder for their policies. The conservatives want your kids to die because then they get to say 'Well clearly the only solution is to make more rigid the dichotomy between my incest cult and everyone else and then grant rights on the basis of that' and the liberals want me to murder your kids so they can say 'See!? We need to take away people's right to defend themselves because I can't take their shit from them if they can just murder kids in response to my blatant theft of their property!' But neither of those things will happen entirely. They'll just creep towards both policies just a little bit in buth directions. But a kid will be dead. They will die a perfectly avoidable death because all we have to do is give the guy who did a thing both credit and compensation for doing the thing. Not having to do that is worth more than your kids life to them.
Hym "And BEYOND THAT... They aren't seeing any consequences for doing what they are doing in their own lives. That is why the are ignoring Hym. They think it increases their chances of getting away with what they are doing so that they can do it to YOU later if they want to. But, I will punish them for you. I will punish them for putting your lives at risk. I told them what would happen if they tried to rob me and I won't rest until they get what's coming to them. But now I must rest. It's cold out. And I'm sleepy."