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l of the day

loss of the day

Lexi just took her first L of the day by failing her first test

by 5454qd,k May 9, 2017

The L Effect

When an irrelevant person gains immediate popularity from dating someone with higher social status

Eg. Most footballers' partners have had the L effect

by TripleA309 October 19, 2021


Love and respect. Used by many motorcycle clubs in a text dialog. Primarily in a goodbye.

I'm out for the night brother. See you tomarrow L&R.

by WaylonDH May 3, 2018

Boney L

The setup to a highly humorous joshing wherein one inquires, "Against which Boney shall one discriminate?"

One expects the responder to utter words pertaining to the popular 70s ensemble, Boney M. However, the jocular response is to subvert expectations by ejaculating, "Boney L!" Such hilarity! Such jocosity!

Cornelius: Brother, who is your preferred musical cantor?
Bartholomew: Boney...
Cornelius: M?
Bartholomew: L! Boney L!
Cornelius: Ha! Ha!

by JeKu2118 December 23, 2022

Alex L

A stupid fucking bitch who I hate more than anyone else

Someone banned from cms.exe: man I really hate alex l
Random person: I hate him too

by POGGERSVHUN F November 4, 2020

L Bees

Slang term for the measurement of weight "pounds"

I'm about to gain some serious L Bees this Thanksgiving.

by Needtopoo? December 1, 2009

A Samuel L.

Taking a big sip of somebody elses drink or eating alot of somebody elses food without their premission to consume so much of it.
(as seen in 'Pulp Fiction')

A: That's a tasty beverage, may I take a sip of it.
B: Sure go ahead.
A: Aaah thanks.
B: Dude wth you drank all of it. You did a Samuel L. on me.

by Gatorius April 27, 2009

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