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Courtney is a term to describe a petty, typical rich stereotype. She has a chihuahua, comes to school in that limo, and wears that Krazy Kandy lip gloss.

'Wow, she's so rich!'
'Must be a Courtney.'

by Defining Stupid Terms May 29, 2021


The human equivalent of a chewed up piece of gum melted to the bottom of one’s shoe. A pain in the ass. Has the worst fucking music taste I have ever heard. Courtney’s tend to have a fake world in which they live in but sometimes it’s nice when someone comes along and humbles them.

Ew who is that??”

“Oh..that’s my stupid fucking science project, Courtney.”

by Idk how I got here November 24, 2021


Typically a girl with ugly ass blonde hair and a short ass stature. The human equivalent to a melted piece of gum stuck to the bottom of one’s shoe.

“You just stepped on a piece of gum.”
Oh you mean, a Courtney?”

by Idk how I got here November 24, 2021


Courtney is the daughter of a Karen. A Courtney is likely to be the leader of a HOA or PTA. She washes her shoes weekly (pre COVID) and capital punishment is issued for spilling in the car. She likely has botox and cant blink. Her breakfast includes xanax, coffee and tears of the innocent.

"That Courtney is way more of a b*t*h then her mother Karen."
"Courtney = Karen 2.0"
"Karen mini-me is named Courtney"

by lolwizard August 16, 2021


Someone who is sick of Nintendo! Can anyone move on and not play so many games. Cuz this shit is going to come back to you one day.

Yea, Courtney is so tired of playing Nintendo! eh

by RomanHi5 September 4, 2020


Someone who is sick of all this shit!

Courtney is so sick of Shawn and her bullshit! Courtney did not ever work for Shawn! She does not even like cleaning her own house! let alone have to clean houses with an over bearing fat bitch and then drive 2.5 hours to go to her night job! eh never ending bs!

by RomanHi5 September 4, 2020


a fat ass bitch who loves food and is a hoe

i hate people like courtney

by rufffrufufuru January 9, 2024