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A person who is sexually attracted to a youtuber called dream. Basically a simp.

P1: Oh dream is so hot I think im dreamsexual!
P2: wth

by January 12, 2023


Someone who is just generally brain dead.

The dreamsexual: Hey, I'm a dreamsexual!
Their friend:Bitch your probably more brain dead than a baby who's brain is still developing.

by TheTvRemote March 14, 2023

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Someone that doesn't have a life instead of doing something normal they decide to turn their favorite YouTuber into a sexuality

1: I'm proud to announce that I'm a dreamsexual and you guys can't make fun of me
2: go get a life you failed abortion

by Pizzapretzel June 24, 2022


A pathetic excuse does a human being that doesn't have a life or a job or family in the sites to make their favorite YouTuber into a sexuality

Think of it as your best friend across the street he really thinks that dream loves him when in reality he probably doesn't even know what the heck he is that's basically a dreamsexual in a nutshell

by Pizzapretzel June 24, 2022


Dreamsexual is used to describe someone who only feels sexual attraction in their dreams, and rarely or none when they're awake.

You really thought it was gonna be the minecraft youtuber dreamsexual. Bamboozled.

by GrimmReaperr June 29, 2022


The valid version: An asexuality where you only feel sexual attraction in your dreams.

The unvalid version: Sexual attraction towards the Minecraft Youtube Dream. Anyone who identifies as this is braindead.

Guy 1 - I identify as dreamsexual
Guy 2 - The minecraft youtuber?
Guy 1 - No
Guy 2 - Cool bro you're valid

Guy 1 - I identify as Dreamsexual
Guy 2 - The Minecraft Youtuber?
Guy 1 - Yeah
Guy 2 - Never talk to me again you social reject

by ssplashingttwo March 31, 2024


Someone who dad left them for the milk store and never returned.

People who like the dream SMP and watch it and use dream to get into the LGBTQ

People who use TikTok and Twitter

People who fake mental disorders

People who gacha

An example of this is GachaJulica

Julicamcyt: I'm dreamsexual and proud

Me: *Loads 22 Gauge Shotgun* So you chosen... Death

by The o5 command August 8, 2022

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