A sketch comedy TV show that aired in 2016, and was created by comedy group Million Dollar Extreme (MDE). It aired on Adult Swim, a network that used to air really cool and underrated shows created by underground artists and comedians, but now airs shitty superhero shows and Rick & Morty.
A second series was funded in 2022 after the show was cancelled after it's first season, and should be out soon.
Cool ass mf: Have you seen Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace?
Another mf who is cool: Yes. World Peace was a good show overshadowed by controversy.
kelsie has small tits and an EXTREMELY TIGHT PUSSY MY DUDE.
Kelsie: Ben you're dick is small
Ben: kelsie has an extremely tight pussy and is flat
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Perfectly describes the lesbian three-some I saw in the closet at school yesterday.
Bob: Bro... did you know that Jack and Claire are having sex in the nurse's office!
James: yoo I knew they were like that but I didn't think they would do such a thing!
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as good as something can ever hope to be. the ultimate in awesomeness.
you should have seen robbo's triangle solo it was super mega awesome to the max extreme awesomeness times infinity to the power of a ninja
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A subgenre of heavy metal taking inspiration from Symphonic Black Metal and features lyrics about life in Finland and the mistrust of Finnish Christianity, and glorifying the Warlike Pagan lifestyles of the neighboring countries' history. The lyrics focus on the solution to the mundane Finnish lifestyle being the Apocalypse. The only band that plays this currently is Impaled Rektum.
"You guys look like a weird heavy metal band"
"Yes, we are a band"
"Really? What do you play?"
"Symphonic Post-Apocalyptic Reindeer-Grinding Christ-Abusing Extreme War Pagan Fennoscandian metal"
Yo I just came back from an Extreme aggressive painful screaming torturous violent agonizing screeching long ass tennis match
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The Name is pretty descriptive already lol
There was a Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change that happened in the lab yesterday! Thanks goodness the Plyoxinatiator was there to cool it down
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