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Hoo ha hamper

Another name for a tampon

Hey Jenny have an extra hoo ha hamper?

by Clouddasher October 16, 2020


This word describes a criminal before they do the crime

I heard that guy is an ah-he-hoo

by IAmNotARodwell August 6, 2019


A domino's group ordering slogan. Possibly the most annoying ear worm of a slogan since ThATs WHy i LiKE cADbUrY MIlK. Please do not say this out loud because it will rot your brain.

Dave: Domino-oh-hoo-hoo
Steve: Shut up you uncultured swine.

by Bearm0ndzey October 20, 2021

Hooty Hoo

A commonly used call amongst youth to signify their allegiance as well as to notify one another of a significant presence

Yo what up my niggas, Hooty-fuckin-hoo!”
All the homies in response, “HOOTY HOOOOOO!”

by NiggaShit100 September 20, 2021

Luca Alexander Poo-Poo Boo-Hoo

Also known as LAPB. Luca Alexander is a master at geometry dash but he always throws his phone and rages like a buck.
He is a big buck.

You are such a Luca Alexander Poo-Poo Boo-HOO! Pinky!”

by Ejj oh jehehed May 11, 2020