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Leah sava jeffries

The most Beautiful Girl in the world. First Black Annabeth Chase. Leah sava Jeffries is beautiful and funny and has a great personality.

Person 1: Hey, You know Leah Sava Jeffries?
Person 2: Oh yeah, The really hot one?
Person 1: Yeah!

by _H0lly_ April 7, 2024

Leah Halton

Leah Halton is the beautiful, majestic TikTok star that has over 200+ million views on her recent video which she was rubbing her nose on the camera in her car.

Did you see Leah Halton’s new video? She’s so hot!

by Johnny fRICKEr April 26, 2024

Leah Nicole

Leah is a arrogant bitch who thinks she peng. She loves of man and chats to everyone. If you want to be a side man chat to her

Leah Nicole is a manslag

by You. Stupid black monkey October 18, 2018

5👍 5👎

leah gibson

fittest girl ever so so nice and kind and loving to everyone only gets angry went you piss her off

Everyone loves her because she is leah gibson

by bitchface233 May 12, 2016

Leah Nicolle

Childish AF

She was being so Leah Nicolleish!

by Yo’mommasdaddy February 7, 2024


Apparently an Indian boy I once knew back in preschool.

Sister 1: You have a boys name and I have a girls name.
Sister 2: NO I DON’T! and I once knew a boy named Leah.
Sister 1: Oh yeah? What was is ethnicity?
Sister 2: …uhh…idk…Indian?

by July 26, 2021



leah is awful.

by areuready4me February 4, 2022