The act of having the male scrotum pushed into his rectum during sexual intetcourse
A couple weeks ago my girl gave me the ole Montana Mocha while i was sleeping. Awkward morning..........
A Montana proposal is where you shit into a jar, and send it to the lady, man, or other of your choice. If the recipient sends the jar back, then the proposal is accepted.
Jimmy: hey, I just sent Sally a Montana proposal.
John: Nice man, you get anything back yet?
When your gap-toothed friend punches a cowgirl in the ovaries to break the eggs, inserts the necessary ingredients for a bacon omelette, folds her over, and let's it simmer for 90 seconds on high.
Torrey- "how was your date last night"
Lucas- "It was pretty good, I gave her a Montana Hamlet. She loved it, other than the undercooked bacon"
When you eat out an inbred or a family member with a yeast infection
Chloe pollan gave her mom a hot Montana blue cheese salad
a shit filled pot with hamburger much like hamburger helper
Your mom ate the montana helper i made last night
While on an official tour of the Grote Kerk, you insert a Ponderosa Pinecone in the anal and/or vaginal orifice of your partner while occupying the third from left confession booth.
Female: Babe, Lets do a Dutch Montana since we're here.
Male: Yes please! I got the pinecone, let's tell the guide we're going to check out the confession booths.