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a shit word. it means "photograph". a word that the Oxford English Dictionary had as their word of the year, because as a fairly..."sensible" organisation, they wanted to appeal to teenagers and txt speech.

sounds a bit like the word "selfish", which is what quite a lot of social media is all about. "selfie" probably means a photo of you, that you took. but....yeah. or something.

"can you take a selfie of me?" "you mean a photograph?" "yes"

by J_S_ July 7, 2019


A picture you take of yourself.

I took a selfie in the mall.

by Chazzzzy August 17, 2017


You're a selfish person, but look like a fish (but in a cute way)

Wow, Kearston, have you ever gotten that you're a Selfie?

by get_offmydict123 February 9, 2022


sort of a twist on "go fuk yourself"

Q. "you are so good in bed... why?"
A. "I practice a lot when I'm alone"

that film was so.... I had to do a selfie driving home

by Alpino January 6, 2021


a photo or a picture that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a camera on the smartphone and shared on the social networks.

My friend and I taked a selfie yesterday.
Elsa is alway taking her selfie in our class.

by Takeshi2k8 July 5, 2022


The act of one taking a photo of oneself and possibly others and then "posting it" on some sort of so called, "social media"

Sara-But first let me take a selfie! (takes a photo of herself and posts it on Instagram)
Hana-Ew you take selfies?!
Sara-Hells yeah!
Hana-(walks away)

by Dark Side In My Heart Is </3 February 11, 2015


Someone who is selfish or makes selfish decisions in a group. This is a noun not a verb.

Alex is such a selfie, he wants us all to go downtown just cause his girl is there.

by Zakake June 20, 2020