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Stay in your lane

1) what you say to someone who is below your league in terms of attractiveness and tries to hit on you.

2) what you say to someone who tries to talk about a sector they are not an expert in

1) this really ugly girl tried to talk to me today, told her stay in your lane.

2) this peasant tried talking about stocks today, told him stay in your lane.

by Shumongous October 13, 2014

84๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž

bro stay gold

Can be said either way: Bro stay gold or stay gold bro. Bro term for: "Hey man, stay cool." (I.e. Stay safe, don't fuck fat chicks, don't be a fucktard, etc.)

Bro 1: Hey man I'm gonna bail. I got an open invite to bang that chick from last night.
Bro 2: Alright! Bro stay gold!

Frat boy 1: Hey man, I gotta bail, got class in the morning.
Frat boy 2: BRO!!! Stay Gold!
Frat boy 1: Yea man you're totally right! What bar next?

by ChickenForALickin February 24, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stay Puft Meltdown

The act of filling a woman's vagina with marshmallows. Then proceeding to fuck her until they get all melted and gooey, pulling it out and having her suck and/or lick it clean. This is similar to the melted Stay Puft marshmallow man at the end of Ghostbusters, just imagine the dick as the proton gun.

Dude Uno: I did the most awesome thing last night with my girlfriend!
Dude Two: Whats that?
Dude Uno: I gave her the Stay Puft Meltdown!

by akarawwar December 14, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stay awake and bake

The act of staying up and smoking weed or serenity for long periods of time into the night

Me and my friend pulled a stay awake and bake last night we stayed up till 4 am smoking bowl after bowl

by Dj ticka teeee January 20, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

stay hard retard

the little confidence booster your girlfriend says to you before she goes into the bathroom to take a huge dump right before sex.

honey i'll finish your blowjob in a minute. i have to take a shit.stay hard retard. i'll be right back

by burbman1969 November 17, 2020

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

stay at home mom

This term is commonly used on facebook to indicate that you are a baby momma on welfare with at least one, but more likely, multiple children born out of wedlock with each child by a different baby daddy. The baby daddies are typically criminals and drug addicts. These women use the term in an attempt to elevate their status, but most people see through the ruse and know they are nothing but lazy, uneducated, drug addled hoochies.

Susan: Did you see Tiffany's facebook page? It says her employment status is a stay at home mom.
Bill: Really? Last I heard, she was staying with her dealer a few blocks down. She must have gotten knocked up again. I'm surprised child protective services hasn't taken her kids away yet. When they do, she will really be hurting from losing all those welfare benefits.

by Miner'sCanary June 18, 2015

27๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

'Staying awake' sex

Sex, where one or both partners actually remain awake for the entire duration of the sexual act.

We nearly had some great 'staying awake' sex last night. If only I hadn't nodded off after 3 minutes.

by kaiser1 October 10, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž