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Grade 10 slayer

A grade 12 that is currently or has previously had a sexual relationship with a grade 10

"Dude you fucked her, aw man you're a grade 10 slayer

by Pk10 January 22, 2018

moonsault slayer


Only the heavenliest of heavencrushrs can even attempt this move. hardcore shit.

De'Andrignatius: damn, rodrigo got me with that moonsault slayer yesties.

by AldeyRAY January 24, 2010

slayer queen girl boss

Someone who eats and devours. Slays the house down on the constant. Never missed a day or popping pussy and never will.

Geto is an absolute slayer queen girl boss”

Go off slayer queen girl boss !!!”

by Slayerqueengirlboss October 6, 2023

Zane the infant slayer

A person who has deep feelings for underage children

Zane the infant slayer needs to have a monster and chill

by Hairline analyst November 14, 2022


Slay something but UpIsNotJump style

"That i am the dragon born, slayerer of dragons" - UpIsNotJump

by BetaYT August 5, 2023

Cunt Slayer

Someone who is serving Cunt Slayer. They could slay my, and any cunt. Usually gay, but not necessary.

"OMG she looks so good!"

"She's serving cunt slayer"


by Sugarbabby2God--6967 April 17, 2022

Muffy the tampon slayer

A girl with a heavy flow on.

What's up with all the bathroom breaks?

I've got a crimson tidal wave, girl, I'm Muffy the tampon slayer!

by Shuaman June 9, 2021