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He's a "Big McGaffer"

My definition has always been, in Chicago political parlance, it's often used to indicate the boss, the top guy, the go-to-guy for clout, favors, jobs, etc., but when policemen, firemen, tradesmen, news paper reporters and political hacks etc., use the reference they usually mean it in a derogatory way, as in, ("Oh yeah, he's a "Big McGaffer"?) In this usage, they mean he's an obnoxious, big mouth who thinks he's a big shot, often looked upon as blow-hard, fool, or a phony politician wannabe? A mope, as in "Mickey the Mope", another Chicago classic, pretty much inter-changeable with "Big McGaffer"! A guy who thinks he's all that! ("Dat friend a yours thinks he's a "Big McGaffer", he ain't nut'in but a ,,,,mope"!)

The word is probably spelled as "McGaffer", but it's usually pronounced "MA"-Gaffer! In Chicago anyways!

"Dat friend a yours thinks he's a "Big McGaffer", he ain't nut'in but a ,,,,mope"!

Your brother-in-law thinks just cause he works for the city, he's a Big McGaffer"!

by The Big McGaffer! September 17, 2013

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

He's dead, Jim

Used to calm someone down when overzealously destroying something. In other words, "enough already."

*Alex stabs someone in the face 38 times*

Jesus christ already, he's dead Jim.

by ` April 25, 2003

90๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's what he said

A statement used to draw attention to a phrase that could be interpreted as sexual innuendo. This interjection is used when someone, usually a female, unintentionally makes a sexual comment. The "he" is typically assumed to be the girl's boyfriend.

The inverse use that's what she said was made popular by the hit TV show The Office.

Scenario: Two girls are getting out of the pool and going to grab towels to dry off...

Girl 1 (while picking up towel): Wow, that's ones really wet!
Girl 2: That's what he said.

by tcufrog08 May 31, 2008

208๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

oh no he didnt

the ultimate post-insult comment

"Yeah, well, jimmy, your a pussycunt!"


by fuck boy October 19, 2004

49๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

He's one shot!

A term used in fortnite when you laser some and they are really low... or when you get knocked and say they are one shot because you are salty

He's one shot he's one shot!

by Logan omundson February 10, 2019

28๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

nah he tweaking

Nah he tweakin is commonly used for asking a gay nigga for sex, It's similar to I forgor but x10 gayer.

hey you look good, nah he tweaking

by ahsjfbeibd917272 August 26, 2021

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Did he die?

Referred to in EVERY failblog.org youtube video, commenters will always ask "Did he die?" or "Did she die?" even if the video is not an accident or something non harmful to human life.

A video of a newscaster incorrectly saying a headline will result in being asked if he died. The answer is more than likely no, but people think they are funny by asking the question anyway.

*failblog.org video playing on youtube*

Youtube commenter: Did he die?

by Falconpunch5440 May 30, 2009

128๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž