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logan cook

A man who is heavily addicted to movies and dip

Logan cook is just too addicted to Blu-ray’s and Copenhagen

by SeaSalt60 November 27, 2018

Koby Cook

some pickle chin head ass who thinks he is good at smash bros but really just goes 0-2 at most tournaments. he got an acceptable sized wang. he is thicc in not only the ass, but in the heart as well. (take that as you may) he is a gullible little bastard and a man whore he does have one big redeming quality though. he likes Wacky Walter Wednesday. he is a straight male but has kissed multiple men to prove his straightness
435-669-9991 call for a good time. yeah i know my number is basically just 69 aka the funny sex number

yo my g have u been Koby Cooking today

g: nah fam

by DaKrib.inc May 31, 2020

Cooking the flute

It is in reference to smoking dope through a pipe. Usually done by filthy dopemunchers that are too lazy to make a billy

Bloke one: Oi bra i was cooking the flute the other day when this tree jumped infront of me, so i full stabbed it.
Bloke two: aww spewin

by Jay-man Z-dog June 3, 2013

Gabe Cook

He’s really sexy and loves the boys.

Hey it’s Gabe Cook! What a hotty.

by StonkyKong August 6, 2019

astrological cooking

Cooking defined by your astrological sign and daily horoscope.

I read my daily horoscope today. It said in terms of astrological cooking that my zodiac sign required me to make pan seared tuna for dinner today.. I did just that.

by Sexydimma September 4, 2022

Astrological cooking

Horoscope appropriate cooking after reading said horoscope.

My astrological cooking said I need to have a tuna salad today so I'll get that right, I you don't mind?

by Sexydimma September 2, 2022

Lettin' it cook

When an alert becomes active, it's left until it nears breaching an SLA. This gives the alert time to simmer and cook thoroughly. You may just find that the issue resolves itself ;)

" Lettin' it cook "

1: Should I log this alert that's just come in?
2: Nah the SLA is 1 hour so just let it cook.

by Protractervist June 10, 2023