Starve to hall. I do not know where it is ... hmmm ... but heard Aunt Annie said yesterday at dinner ...
"If you do not stop feeding me this crap, I'll buy sausage"
Take in the mouth fat hairy dick in black.
"Hey, whore, go buy sausage"
"I suck-suck-suck that the sausage"
Selling something but not saying what it is and implying it might be worth the price. A way to sell something for more than it’s worth. A good of example would be doing a blind buy for a song that nobody really wants for $5k, when the most you would get for that song if it wasn't blind is $2k.
Why would people fall for this?
1. A drought of music and they'll settle for anything
2. Gambling "what if it's the song I want"
3. Retardation
"Oh boy I hope they're selling the song I want in this Blind Group Buy, I'll donate $100 and keep my fingers crossed."
Buying tables is female code speak for having sexual intercourse. Usually without strings or outwith a relationship.
"Oh me and Tom went buying tables this afternoon, it was fantastic"
"Richard told me tonight that he's only really interested in buying tables with me"
She asks for flowers but doesn’t listen when I ask for a damn ps5
March 20th
“National buy her flowers day” is march 21st but she never celebrated national buy him a ps5 day
National buy a bucket hat day! National Buy a Bucket Hat Day is celebrated on November 12
“Hey, let’s run to the store to buy a bucket hat because it’s national buy a bucket hat day!”