Someone who realizes they are pathetic so they buy an iPhone.
"Adam realized he was a loser, so he decided to buy an iPhone to join the rest of the iPhone loser losers."
Basically ur mum goes to stormzy and says"peng tings on my watsapp and my iphone 2"
Coined initially by Rebecca Felgate on the YouTube channel “Life’s Biggest Questions” in reference to the oddly missing entry in Apple’s smartphone portfolio: The iPhone 9. According to the video, the iPhone is a beauty beyond our comprehension of how phones look in this day in age, being essentially everything and nothing all at once.
I think Rebecca was right: We just aren’t ready for the beautiful iPhone Shine yet as a society.
a phone you sure as hell dont wanna use, unless you are REALLY high on meth, and its an iPhone 6S disguised as a iPhone 5S.
Guy1: i have an ipHONe sE!
Guy2: i bet its a good phone.
Guy1: iTs GreAT! it PlaYS mINecraFT aT 2 FpS on The Hightest rENDer DisTanCE.
Guy2: maayybbe i should of bought an samsung galaxy s21 fe, DAMMIT
A phone that nobody has unless they were hit in the head with a brick.
Person 1: What phone do you have?
Person 2: The iPhone SE, why?
Person 1: We're breaking up.
A piece of technology that people might mistake for an actual good device.
This is an Iphone, that's not good, you should have gotten a Samsung.
Timmy: I bought the new iPhone 14 Pro Max
Justin: You just wasted your money
Timmy: You mean my parents money
Justin: *leaves*