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Work Homie

A person you hangout with at work, but never speak to outside of work.

Brandon to Miguel. '' Hey did you invite Omar to the party? '' Miguel to Brandon '' Naw Omars a Work Homie''

by Greenfiend March 14, 2010

working on fig

Prostituting yourself for mere change. Cheapest whores ever Extra cheap after rainy days

After exhausting all my funds I was employed by a pimp making easy money while working on fig.

by True Boss Lady February 23, 2014

Work on a Project

To go to the house of a partner in a class project and get completely stoned

Steve-O "hey ben lets totally WORK ON A PROJECT, that one for marine bio wud be nice"

Ben "Dude I love working on projects!"

by what number am i thinking? 69 September 13, 2008

Working Manager

Being a salaried employee, you do more than hourly employees.

Being short on employees, John had to step his game up and became a working manager.

by Dickey467 September 18, 2016

throw work

To do or say anything that will get you laid.

I had to throw work at her all night before I got lucky.

by Eddie Bell May 27, 2008

Linger Working

A form of working most commonly found among most construction and all military jobs.
When working outside, frequent smoke breaks, chatting with coworkers, adjusting ipod/changing song and quick snack breaks constitutes linger working.
Linger Working is taught by direct superiors and usually caused by no predetermined time deadline or little interest in day to day activites by higher ups. In most cases, lingering is actually encouraged by chain of command.

Doushebag1: Man, youve been chipping, grinding and sanding all day and that wall isnt even bare metal.

Doushebag2: Dude fuck that, todays a tuesday, ive been linger working. I smoked three packs of newports, listened to Yani's greatest hits, ran 4 miles then lifted, ate 2 bags of beef jerkey, and at noon my E-6 started walking around in a speedo talking about his pet falcon.

by Lingerers... November 27, 2008

Work Rape

This definition applies to government employees and poor treatment of it's employees.

When the employer viciously assaults you with the metaphorical sandpaper dildo that is being forced to work long shifts, pay out the ass for medical care and does not allow you to have any days off. Work Rape may also take the form of not acting on a contract they had already approved. This is not to be confused with the lesser violation, Work Molestation where they add a little courtesy spit and allow you 8 hours between shifts. The employer truly does not understand, that no means no.

John "I've been working for 14 days straight, 14!!!!" Tim "The employer isn't done Work Raping you yet, i'm on day 27!!"

Greg "I pay $30 a year for health insurance" Sam "Im being Work Raped by paying over$1000 a month!! The worst part is, I have other insurance but can not opt out of the Work Rape!!! There is truly no escape from the sandpaper wrath of the employer"

by Flat Randy July 30, 2017