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Shoot the hay

Mostly used when going to sleep. used as a more intense way of saying “I NEED TO SLEEP” . Also means you’ve been through a lot and you just need to rest

“Well Cheryl I’m going to shoot the hay it’s been a long day I’ve been through too much.”
“Oh ok Gn Bobby”

by Urban Dict...,,,,... June 5, 2019

5👍 2👎

shoot clumps

Natural accurance among females on their period.

Clump(ing)(s) - occurs when blood clots together or ''balls up'' with other semi dried blood while flowing through the vaginal canal. Thus producing chucky wet pieces upon exiting the vagina.

Shoot(ing)(s) - occurs when quick contractions of lower torso muscles; lower abs, lower back, butt; etc...

examples - coughing, laughing, gasping

Best times to shoot clumps - 1-2 days after first flow may differ from girl to girl and flows

"Don't make me laugh or i'll shoot clumps!!!"

"I'll make you shoot clumps!!!" toward a female on her period / monthly cycle by making her laugh or cough.

by George Gunther Glass November 10, 2010

4👍 2👎


taking your chances whilst smoking.

That guy just smoked a whole pack o' cigarettes in one day and it didn't affect him one bit. He has been smoking the same rate for 7 years straight, you would think he would surely be dead of cancer by now. guy 2: jesus what a shit-shoot!

by gnomes-g November 18, 2005

4👍 2👎

shoot the goo

To ejaculate; to come.

My girlfriend was so hot looking last night, she made me really shoot the goo.

by nwhouston January 28, 2008

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dust shoot

A dust shoot is when a girl fucks an older guy and he has an old dusty dick so then her vagina becomes a dust shoot

She fucked Derek so now she has a dust shoot

by Dry May 24, 2017

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shooting moves

The process of running multiple errands in the hopes to make money.

Ay my bad I was busy, I was "shooting moves" all day.

by A-M-R-O September 12, 2017

4👍 3👎

da shoots

A bad case of diarrhea, where the sufferer can barely get off the stool before needing to get right back on.

Man, that #$*@ meatloaf gave my azz a major league case of da shoots.

by Ric Dog June 6, 2003

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