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whaddown church

it's a form of greeting when you see your friends.

hey vicky,
whaddown church.

by porche January 30, 2008

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Church Pyoo

church-pyu <---pernounse like that

while in church (or any other religious ceremony/praisy thing) someone farts loudly (or softly) and everyone looks at the certain person and makes a mean face.

often happens to a foolish person.

Max: Duuude did you hear?
Sam: What?
Max: Josh told me that in church the other day some person farted really loud and every person gave her a dumb look.
Sam: *laughs* haha wow, was it Jordan?
Max: Probably...
Sam: She is so Church Pyoo prone.
Max: Sad..

by Greenissocool141 September 3, 2009

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The New Church

A branch of the protisent church that beleives there is an inner meaning to the Bible. They beleive a man name Emanual Swedenborg was inspired by God in his writings, called, "The Writings". The main hub is in Bryn Athyn, PA. They state that they do not worship Swedenborg, though they do have a day celabrating him, and they respect him A LOT.

"Do you enjoy scientific religeons and 'old-fashined' people"
"Oh, then don't join The New Church."

by jackrd October 11, 2005

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Uniting Church

A church in Australia that has sold out to the left and Satan.
The Uniting Church supports abortion, gay marriages, euthaniasia, anti war to the point of extremism and disregards the truths of the bible.

The Uniting Church is such a hole these days, does its members even read their bibles.

by Glenn Griffiths August 7, 2006

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Church Junkie

Someone who is obsessed with the #1 selling fantasy book(the bible). Comes to your door wasting paper with their dumb pamphlets about events that didn't even happen. Gose to church every day. And will not leave your religion alone, they have to criticize it and dis on it.

Guy 1. I'm sick of all these stupid Church Junkie ruining around with their pamphlets that everybody just throws away/

Guy 2. Totally.

by rockinyamahadrums February 23, 2009

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presbyterian church

the preservers of the faith of god that is all things preserved... ie born again ... mirical healing ... the list of all things preserved... they preserve also all humans rights to existance

the scots were the first of the presbyterian church and in doing so saved many an old warrior from the grim fate of death by giving them to there daughters to save and birth again by means of divine dynasterial rights

by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007

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catholic church

religion that is supposdely ruled by love. In earlier times the catholic church did and still tries to instill fear into followerrs by basing their religion with fear of wrong doing punishable by going to hell once person is dead. (Hell is actually a Norse belief that catholics adopted from Norse religious beliefs of the after life. Merely changed to two l's on spelling and having a big dude in red pyjamas called satan to rule it instead of a half rotting non-mortal bitter woman called hel.)
Through the use of fear and piety of positions and dogmatic view of their religion, cathlics priests believe their religion to be the true church. (Yeah like i haven't heard that from about 50 other religions.)
Priests in modern times have been uncovered as child molesters and other despicable acts. The self righteousnees held by some catholics is digusting and all consuming, either way firm catholic or the ones that go on easter and christmas only, everything they say needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

V: Sodomy is a sin according to the catholic church.
C: well buggery to that, i'll do whatever the hell i feel like. DOesn't stop priests from bending little altar boys over.

by george/metalhed June 17, 2005

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