so basically its The Mug drink logo in a torus shape
hey bro did you see that cool MUG TORUS
A band made popular in the Baltimore - DC region.
Alternatively, to achieve success in a degenerate ass-backwards way.
Man, Chris really mug ducked his way out of that DUI.
The Mug Ducks really crushed that Tom Petty cover!
Gaming Mugs are the definition of high end Gaming, if you don't have a Gaming Mug you aren't a true Gamer. Press F to pay respects to all the Gamers without Gaming Mugs.
Joe Bama: Micheale, where is my gaming mug?
Micheale Bama: I don't know.
Joe Bama: God damn it woman, get me my gaming mug.
Micheale Bama: I refuse.
Joe Bama: Come here girl imma beat yo ass.
Micheale Bama: I want a divorce.
Joe Bama: You can't get a divorce, this is amaraca.
Don't be a slug, use that mug.
Lewis: I really need access to NUGS!
Sam: For that I have come up with a simple invention, Lewis. I call it the Nug Mug. It's a mug that holds your nug.
See rug muncher .
One who switches positions when munching the rug.
John: Jenna, you're a Mug Runcher !
Jenna: Yes I am, Becki loves it and so do I.