Don't be a slug, use that mug.
Lewis: I really need access to NUGS!
Sam: For that I have come up with a simple invention, Lewis. I call it the Nug Mug. It's a mug that holds your nug.
Someone who’s a bullshitter and is full of themselves all the time. But doesn’t realise they are so full of themselves
Pheobe is such a shister mug. She does this to me all the time I hate it.
the unt mug is a passive aggressive mug which has the letters "unt" which are placed right after the c shaped handle
guy 1: "Hey did you go to the University of North Texas?"
guy 2: "No why."
guy 1: "Why do you have their mug then."
guy 2: *Takes sip from unt mug*
guy 1: *Notices*
also guy 1: "This is why i'm in therapy."
See rug muncher .
One who switches positions when munching the rug.
John: Jenna, you're a Mug Runcher !
Jenna: Yes I am, Becki loves it and so do I.
I’m basically saying I’m a motherfucker in British slang
Me:Oi see at wee cunt James
Friend :Aye at boys a right mug
Me: Aye I heard he said im a mug
Licking a waitresses butthole after a “double shift”.
Meaning she has just been freshly DPd by two randoms and you got the clean up
Steve: “Are you hooking up with that waitress tonight?”
Bill: “Yup”
Steve: “ Make sure them dishes are clean. You don’t want her giving you a dirty mug”
⠀┣━━━━━━┫ brian mug