Vehicle windows (as in a pimpmobile) which are so heavily tinted that they are almost opaque.
It's impossible to see what Joe and his girlfriend are doing in his car cause of his pimp windows...
The illusions that are seen by a coke or crack head as a result of looking out the window incessantly. This behavior results from paranoia or the feeling that someone might be watching you. Many cocaine users fight this sensation by covering up all their windows with towels and blankets.
Everytime I go past Jimmy's house, I swear I see someone peaking out the side of the blanket that covers that window.
Yea, Jimmy must be watching for the window ooglies. Go pound on his door and scream POLICE!!!
A person on cod who sits in a window and kills you.
Cod A.I sat in window raping would be classed as a window dick
The act showing someone your penis skin through the fly hole in your pants or underwear.
Todd and Ted are chillin with some brewskis when Todd calls over to Ted, "hey bruddah, peep dis", Todd had pulled his shirt up and made sure his pants were unzipped making his penis skin visible through his pants forming the skin window.
When you give a girl a facial while she's wearing glasses
Jen: I can't get this jizz off my glasses!
Sara: maybe you shouldn't have gotten frosty windows!!
The frozen tops of ice cube trays you use for drinks when you are too impatient for the ice cubes to fully freeze. They appear as small ice windows.
"Are the ice cubes frozen yet?"
"No, but we can still use these ice windows!"
an entrance inside of a door that allows animal... sometimes small children.. to move in and out of a closed area.
"fluffy got trapped in the kitty window"