A d move is When someone invites you to something, but then does it without you. It is normalt known as a dick move or a douche move.
Josh invited me to go to the cinema, but then left without me!
Damn that’s such a D move of him
The full name of lafayette
That French general dude from Hamilton
Person 1: yo, who’s that French dude from Hamilton with the really long name?
Person 2: oh! You mean Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette? I love that guy!
Aka M. j. P. Y. R. G. D. M., M. D. Laf
A Male Ballerina that might be fruity
I know a boy who is a Jordan B D
D&f means drunk and fuck. You basically get drunk and have wild sex.
We should get d&f.
This means that you Love someone close to you. You love them so much, you love them for Infinity!
"I just wanted to let you know that ILYFIML :D"
I: I
L: Love
Y: You
F: For
I: Infinity
M: My
L: Love
:D= Smile at the end (If you say it)