Source Code


A smiling emoticon wearing a party hat.

girly123456789: Are you gonna be at my birthday party?
iheartclowns345: I'm definitely going! ~<:D

by ChJeSc July 2, 2009


Suck dick and die

Professor emailed me I couldn't have an extension on my paper. I replied "sd&d"

by Gun$moke187 November 30, 2019

D-Spec Vennies

The act of using you Dragon Dagger (P++) special attack in Old School Runescape against a Venezuelan gold farmer.

This term can also be used to define the general act of fucking someone over.

"Yo bro I'm about to go to the Wilderness and D-Spec Vennies"

"Nice Bro fuck those gold farmers"

"Yo I just fuckin' D-Spec'd these kids"

"I caught my girl cheating bro"
"Get D-Spec'd man"

by MLGEESUS November 20, 2020

D <3

I <3 my gf

I heart my gf means that you love your gf
me: I heart D <3
you: I heart D <3 also

by L33yum May 8, 2023


Furry hentai with yamato, nami, empresss of lightm , wm, with johnny sinsers, penis.

I watched D#erfbgrewfdefsdcv with my firend and busted in his mouthndm

by Zoologist Lover November 6, 2022

young dr0'd

A very bad way of doing business. Instead of getting your refund issued to you in cash, you might get an 8 year old ipod.

"damn man, i just got young dr0'd"

"the fuck is that?"

"i returned my citrus XI's, but all i got was this old ass ipod"

by MPLS October 22, 2008


Seggsy mf and he has the best tiktok content. Also he post about pun pun daily so he gets blocked.

Bro you see heavenly_.D?
Yeah he probably the Seggsiest person Alive
Fax, but he should stop posting about pun pun

by !(AL) haku March 14, 2021