A smiling emoticon wearing a party hat.
girly123456789: Are you gonna be at my birthday party?
iheartclowns345: I'm definitely going! ~<:D
Professor emailed me I couldn't have an extension on my paper. I replied "sd&d"
The act of using you Dragon Dagger (P++) special attack in Old School Runescape against a Venezuelan gold farmer.
This term can also be used to define the general act of fucking someone over.
"Yo bro I'm about to go to the Wilderness and D-Spec Vennies"
"Nice Bro fuck those gold farmers"
"Yo I just fuckin' D-Spec'd these kids"
"I caught my girl cheating bro"
"Get D-Spec'd man"
I heart my gf means that you love your gf
me: I heart D <3
you: I heart D <3 also
Furry hentai with yamato, nami, empresss of lightm , wm, with johnny sinsers, penis.
I watched D#erfbgrewfdefsdcv with my firend and busted in his mouthndm
A very bad way of doing business. Instead of getting your refund issued to you in cash, you might get an 8 year old ipod.
"damn man, i just got young dr0'd"
"the fuck is that?"
"i returned my citrus XI's, but all i got was this old ass ipod"
Seggsy mf and he has the best tiktok content. Also he post about pun pun daily so he gets blocked.
Bro you see heavenly_.D?
Yeah he probably the Seggsiest person Alive
Fax, but he should stop posting about pun pun