Source Code

Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy

The cunt who makes sandwiches and blasts people with mustard in WordGirl

“I’m Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy!”
Bitch Jimmy Johns is in the other direction.”

by Your Friend, Unikitty July 1, 2023

Good guy

A good guy is a nerdy guy that turns into a hot sexy badguy in a tik tok video.

Guy 1: Dude did you see that vidoe of Jacob becoming sexy and cool on tik tok?
Guy 2: Yeah! he's so cool now, what happened he was such a good guy before!

by 7ven11ven October 10, 2018

Good Guy

Arson. Arson is #TheGoodGuy. He represents GGG(Good Guy Gang) He's the only member of that gang, there's only one flag and he has it.

All women : Arson is such a good guy

by Dimera October 29, 2019


Anthony Guzman


by factsssssssssss August 20, 2022

Good Guy

What the Good Guy says when hes kissing your ass.

Good Guy- He's a Good Guy. I work with him up there.

by ButchNochance February 9, 2022

Math guy

chandice's future boyfriend

person 1: is that math guy?
person 2: yeah, that's chandice's future boyfriend

by lvng.ymm September 23, 2021

Hi guy fly bi

When it's a drug addicts birthday

Guys did you hear it's tadl's hi guy fly bi?

by Rob¿ July 9, 2018