A dwelling occupied by a homeless black man
After being evicted from his apartment, D'Andray moved into to a Kenmore box.
A unit of weight to be used in lieu of traditional standards when attempting to spread false information, fear monger or mislead another into believing the mass of an object is much greater. One moving box (1mbs) is equal to 0.75lbs, 12oz, 0.340194kb, 0.3 courics or 1 large potato.
"I've held an AR-15 in my hand, it is as heavy as ten boxes that you might be moving." - Representative Sheila Jackson Lee
I've already lost 2 moving boxes this week!
To use 4 Fingers in pussy and 1 in asshole during intercourse.
Gags uses the box combo on all his females.
A box shaped vehicle commonly used by moving companies,and shipping companies often seen near ship channels,back of stores,and other industrial complexs.
Me:GO PLAY WITH THE TRAFFIC it's a Box truck would you also like to be ran over by my box truck?
What’s ol’ Lava Box doing? Because I’d like to hit thst shit.