When you're very much perked/psyched up for action!
Ey-ey-ey! I feel enthusiastic to walk a total of at least 6K steps today!
When Selena looks scrumptious
*Selena shows up to my house
me* ey ey ey you look outrageous little monkey
Crooked Eye Adjective - when a person in a relationship is always checking out other people.
Look at that guy with his girlfriend while he’s checking out the other girls. That dude has a Crooked Eye.
When an eyelash or dirt gets in the sides of you're eye.
"Ah!" yelled Jerry.
"What's Wrong?" said Sam.
"I just got some crap in my eye," Jerry replied.
When you're getting head and smash one ball into her eye.
I gave Angela a Guatemalan eye patch for her birthday.
Verb. To needlessly ask questions while at the same time unable to absorb or understand the answers.
"Why is it that whenever there is a problem, he blind-eye Jacksons me until I have to solve it myself?"
"Will you stop blind-eye Jacksoning me and just listen!?!"
"I tried to tell him how to fix his computer, but he blind-eye Jacksoned so much yesterday that I just got frustrated and hung up."