Who needs therapy when you got a cat
If your sad they just get rid of it
Theres two kinds of cats NINJA and calm
ninja cats attack you when you don't annoy them but calm cats attack you when you annoy them.. guess you can call it acat on titan haha.. im not funny
cats are not a solid they are liquid
A cute thing that sometimes is naughty, which is sort of a pet and likes wrecking everything .
Me:What's that cute wittle cat doing in herE?
My friend: Oh it's my pet . Its called 'Sassypants'
cat facts cats can be find in house's, outside, and other place's, they are well know to be cute, they eat rats, mouse's, small bird's. cats are predator's they can hunt animals. uhh still reading? well ( fun fact ) In 1963 a cat to space and a second cat was launched into space by the french people on 24 october., Cats sleep for around 13 to 16 hours a day (70% of their life). ... hope you have a nice day
cat fack's