The small bits of space in the stomach left over after one has eaten a tremendous amount of meat such as the amount consumed to produce meat sweats. To date, experiments have shown that the only substance with the proper consistency to fill in the meat cracks in a human stomach is frozen yogurt, aided by Taylor Swift music.
Nick took us out to get some FroYo after the Brazilian steak house dinner to fill in the meat cracks.
The act of slapping your "meat" against a loaf of bread
Sam: "Did you wheat meat my sandwich?"
Bill: "Heck yeah bro it was so much fun!"
The word can be used as calling someone fake, scrawny or weak. This word is used negatively
“Watch out for those wheat meats😣.”
“Stop being a little wheat meat.”
“Bros built like a wheat meat.”
In March, you can only eat meat like fish and beef! If you eat anything else other than meat, you are disqualified!
Vegetarian: I already fucking lost Only Meat March.
Dude: Go eat your grass.
meat space is any of the three places on a girl body that a man put his dick at. its the mouth, pussy or ass /butt/booty/anal. and thrust it constantly until they reach orgasms and make sure both reach orgasm.
i need my meat space occupied now.
Putting Flamin' Hot Cheetos dust all over your shaft and then having intercourse.
"Yeah, Rob came over last night and I got some heat meat. It was fun, except halfway through it felt like my vagina was on fire! I didn't really mind, to be honest..."
Meat that hangs out of the vagina
Damn, when I fucked Barbara she had a huge meat swable