A professional commercial sign installer, quite possible the most talented group of uncertified humans in the construction industry. They are known for their ability to be a welder, electrician, painter, crane operator and truck driver in an 8 hour period. They work long hours and are often mistreated and misunderstood. They have a tendency to not give a fuck when it comes to safety, although they won’t do anything that endangers anyone other than themselves. They work in snow, rain, hot, cold and are forced into living in hotels for weeks on end in order to complete a job. They have the capabilities to consume very large amounts of alcohol in record time and as a result, have some of the best libido on earth.
Girl at bar: Why are those crane operators so dirty?
Guy in corner: Lady those aren’t crane operators, those are sign guys. They do it all.
Girl: Ooh I want a sign guy
Jayson: I have a bonner for you parker
Parker: alright lets have.... YOU GET WHAT IM SAYING
when a guy has a bonner for another dude
the old guy asks you to be bathed, when he already been bathed
the old guy bathed when you bathed the old guy in the squat rack and the old guy comes and ask you to be bathed
Hohohoho! That uh... I know it's a little late for it but.... You know.. Don't implicate me in things... This all started because i was implicated in things I didn't want to be implicated in... So...
Hym "Holy crap hammer guy! Wow!"
Iam "You're just now getting to this?"
Hym "Yes! We have a ton of back-log! There isn't enough time in the day. If my labor wasn't being exploited on all fronts by people who already have more than they will ever need I be able to get to it but DAMN! You see that motherfucker hammer that guy!?"
Iam "Yeah... I have made it clear I don't like people taking my name in vain and the only thing I've told anyone to do is give me credit for the things I've done and pay me for services rendered.... So.... Yeah... Not on me..."
Hey, look at that. They're wrong.
Hym "Right? Because Tom Brady is the highest value man but his wife fucked a loser with a fat cock. Right? Brett was saying that people were going to use that as evidence that the red pill guys are right but REALLY it's the opposite. It proves that I'M RIGHT... AGAIN! CRITICAL FAT-COCK THEORY! The ultimate dating theory."