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A muddafuqin bitch who fucks peeps and hooks up with randos.

ima see that slut later tonight

by reeeeee deeeeeez October 13, 2019



Bella is a mother fucking slut

by Bella hater September 13, 2022


Any bitch named Emma

That dirty little slutty whore sucked me and you dint do shit about cunt

by CuhY September 6, 2023


A thot or hoe

Sheaahmi Gibson is a slut

by Nms words 123) September 28, 2015


A nasty person that passes out her coochie like it's Halloween candy and has no problem being a side whore!

Nichol Kessinger is a slut.

by It always comes to the light February 9, 2020


Your a stupid fuck if you need to know this just it when you feel like it will fit in

Mom: How was dinner?
Kid: It is great you slut

by Wise person very much am one May 19, 2023


a woman of dirty, slovenly, or untidy habits or appearance; a foul slattern

the house cleaning lady is a slut

by Bitahnii November 26, 2021