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roach casings

(n) An ootheca. A long term accumulation of cockroach egg sacks fecal mater and otherwise long dead roach body parts. Often found in dark hard-to-reach places especially in kitchens as in under the refrigerator or around cheap Chinese-made electronic items such as clocks.

There were quite a bit of roach casings from that last tenant we just evicted.

by thaibu April 23, 2010

Grant Roach

A little small pp'd 9 year old that got piss in his cherrios this morning.

Grant Roach is a pissy pants.

by not chris's dad October 26, 2022

Coach roach

A flight attendant that only works coach class cabin of the airplane. This is a person that won’t be caught dead in first-class or business. They think the people are too hoity toity for their taste.

Why doesn’t Becky ever work first class?

That’s because she’s a coach roach.

by Gert Barr April 20, 2021

roach pussy

when your girl's pussy so foul a roach takes up residence inside and strolls right tf out when you're going down on her.

damn, son, that chick got roach pussy. fucker walked out and onto my lip and shit.

by thierryblatchkeld October 30, 2023

Roach activity

When you are smoking a roach by choice , not cause u broke . Cause roaches hit fasho

-Nat p


roach activity
You must take a flick of the roach and some fresh ass shoes when you post this term

“ We doing some roach activity “

by Nat doe July 20, 2021

Roach Activity

The act of doing thug-like and ghetto activities while being watched by other non-hood civilians.

Person 1: What are those kids doing over there?
Person 2: IDK but it looks like roach activity

by ratchet-roach-thug April 25, 2024

roach activity

all the ratchet/ghetto people doing "ratchet-people stuff"

P1: That's roach activity
P1: They be doing gang stuff and they all ghetto and ratchet

by ratchet-roach-thug April 16, 2024