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Bra slam.

Girls body slamming when only wearing bras. ._.

Chelsea- Omfg, gurl, lets like, bra slam.
Ashley- Lets do it gurl! Cause YOLO is our moto!

by Swag_Master_OG October 15, 2013

Marcel Bras

A Marcel Bras pretty much will kill you or/and anything in his path, so he is pretty much a homicidal maniac.

A Marcel Bras is an extremely effective killer and should be feared, he was born and bred in Poland and was taught the ways of the polaks until he reached the age of 12.

It is unknown of his kill amounts, however, it is most certainly in the thousands, no one has escaped hm.

Guy: "get out of my way"
Marcel Bras: *uses his mystic teachings*
guy: *dies*

by GeneralThatGuy April 24, 2019

bra stick

A prostitute.

Do you see that girl over there? She is defiantly a bra stick.

by Chunky chunks October 21, 2014

nose bra

A face mask worn to prevent the spread of disease

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, everyone is wearing nose bras to prevent the spread of the disease

by Philly Hockey Player June 23, 2020

Chaw Bra

The homie that supplies the chewing tobacco

I could really go for a chew right now.

Shit man, just go talk to the chaw bra.

by H.C.Sucker May 2, 2016


Certain talent, characteristic or even an object that a person has (ex. playing guitar, having beautiful eyes, riding an impressive car, etc.) that may be found very attractive by a female, making it easier for him/her to approach her.

John's friend is so sweet! And he also plays guitar, and you know that for me that's a bra-opener!!

by Herr Damianos September 29, 2014

ponga bra

That mate who will go on a three day bender without a shower

Fucking hell what is that smell.. is that you ponga bra?

by Pongabra April 25, 2020