Shengping Ho.
The epitome of genius and wealth. He is also the best roommate who gives you free food. He will ace every test then tell you he failed when all along he set the curve. He forces you to do your homework and makes you actually succeed even if you don't want to. He is the kind of guy you want to have around because he is very motivating.
That guy is such a shengping ho. We should invite him into our friend group.
A lazy person who doesnt do any work for themselves and mooches off their friends. Combination of hobo and bum.
Michael: I asked Allyssa to pick me up on the way and she said it was too much work, even though its not any extra driving.
Tom: Yea shes sucha ho-bum.
A woman from northern Maine who knows more about tractors than you local John Deer dealer. She was raised like a man, perfers flannel and work boots and is usally not attractive in any way.
While at mixers, Rick spotted some skidder hos and made for the door.
a group or crowd of hos following or riding with a pimp. also includes a group or crowd of hos independent from a pimp.
"that ho party is flamin hot!"
Tú (name) /tu:/ : a Vietnamese first name, both selected for male and female at birth. People with the name Tú are happy, sweet, gentle, brave and successful who thinks about others in any situation. Tú is loved by their family, friends and neighbors. Common family names: Ho, Nguyen, Tran, etc.
Tu (noun): refers to a golden star.
You’ve gotta kiddin’ me! Tu Ho has been elected to be the CEO - our company will be successful.
She is as beautiful as a “vì tinh tú” in the sky. (Very bright and pure beauty)
where you give your ho money to take a taxi home from your place
I had to give her ho fare to get home
A woman who talks to or dates a man based on the kind of car he drives.
Man, don't mess with her. She a money hungry, hubcap ho.