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jake paul

The BIGGEST white boy on the face of YouTube if you watch him you will obtain terminal cancer and die from a brain fart. This PUSSY should have his knee caps blown off with a spaz-12 and skinned alive. words cannot explain how cringy this kid is. He literally dressed like a zebra in the first press conference. He is the definition of cancer,infects millions of people and they don't realize what has happened before it is too late and their lives are ruined.

Wow Jake Paul=cancer

by jdvvjdjjdo July 22, 2018

Jake Paul

Cringe just cringe

Jake Paul : it’s every Da
Me: just stop

by Uncle MEMEZ August 26, 2018

Jake Paul

This word can only and will only be used for pure and utter trash

The term jake paul means trash in the dead language Latin

and is also a term for artists with ghostwriters

Ur such a jake paul

by Lord Gunni March 16, 2022

Jake paul

Absolute trash sucks bad not good ugly

Man bro did you

see that guy
was Jake Paul
back there

by boom_boom3621 May 25, 2022

Jake paul

Jake Paul is the shame of youtube

Jake Paul is such a disappointment

by Barbie girl12310 December 24, 2020

Jake Paul

Worse than 2020

Person 1: oh you know Jake Paul?
Person 2: oh the guy that is worse than Satan and 2020?
Person 1: yeah that's the one

by This username was taken July 13, 2020

Jake paul

The white boy that knocked the fuck out of that basketball player

Bro I’m gonna Jake Paul you

by lol long neck December 11, 2020