Source Code

ana main

Someone who can't heal a fkn genji because he is moving at the speed of light.
Someone who like's putting people to sleep.

Genji main: I need healing
Ana main: Then stop moving at the speed of light so i can heal you

by SrFreezy July 8, 2017

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Maine Steamboat

A Maine Steamboat is when a male partner jizzes in another males mouth and it comes out their nose resembling a steamboat.

You should have seen Nates nose after Genare gave him a Maine Steamboat last night.

by Steamboatsrfun June 30, 2011

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Eli Main

Eli is the most hottest boy you will ever meet he will make you laugh at times. if you were in school with him you would want to be friends with him. If you are in school with him and you are a girl most girls like him and he doesn't like them back........ But if you arn't friends with him you would want to be friends with him. He is so nice and cute and funny he will kae you fall in love right away with him and he is the best person. He is very outgoing..๐Ÿ˜ I love you Eli!!

Eli main: he is a football player. He is very tall.

by Addi Klaus May 29, 2019

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Katarina Mains

People who bring ignite tp and gets so much praise for doing so well in face rolling on a braindead champ

A Katarina Mains just got a pentakill! How skilled!

by nonxii July 26, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Main Bitch

main bitch
A term for a relationship with a woman that must be sexual, but explicitly cannot be a dating relationship. Implies a lack of any commitment, but further implies that It is the most significant relationship said person has at the given time. The "main bitch" has the ability to get closer than other girls to her man emotionally, but probably doesn't want to if she knows that she is his "main bitch". With that being said, this is the only sexual relationship the man has at the time that even remotely has a chance of working out in the long run, though this chance is still infintesimally small.

Im going to stay with my main bitch tonight because she has a hot tub.

by z mizzle November 25, 2007

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moira main

A stereotypical cunt who plays a Moira in Overwatch with more range than a Widowmaker and never heals.

She requires no skill and can out DPS the DPS'S

Moira should be nerfed other than Mercy or Junkrat (January 2018)



by Phox_YT January 10, 2018

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Lyzette Main

a moderatly strange girl with a facination for happy meal toys.

godbless the poor demented thing.

I luv Rakishi...... oops i mean rafiki

by Christafish November 27, 2003

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