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Home movie

It is what’s knows as a sex tape that is home made

My girl a superstar all from a home movie-Kanye west (qlique)

by BlackMagic September 8, 2019

Bee Movie

Collectivist Propaganda

Mom: Jimmy! What did I tell you about watching the Bee Movie?

Jimmy:But mom!
Mom:No buts! I won't have any filthy commies in my house!

by Whatshappining July 2, 2020

Movie Girl

A movie girl is a pretty or beautiful female that you can find on the internet or movies but never in real life.

KickAss 2: Oh hey you seen kickass 2?
Yeah that Main actress was super hot
yeah but she is such a Movie Girl
*Cries on pillow*

American Pie

by slothrage January 26, 2015

movie tug

The act of getting a handjob while watching a movie.

Amber gave that manager a movie tug during titanic.

by Abombicus June 1, 2014

Rango Movie

A Lizard badass fighting for so damn water

The Rango Movie is so good, that lizard fucked an armadillo!

by MeisterGrub May 29, 2021

Movie Moment

Movie moment: an iconic, occurrence or happening that is so incredibly great it seems as if it were scripted for a rom-com. It can at times be cheesy but is not required to be. It’s often a moment that you leaves you in awe, simply perfect.

Girl 1: “We met at a party, ditched it and went for bowling and milkshakes. At the end of the night he kissed me under the full moon!!!”

Girl 2: “wow! You’re so lucky! That is SUCH a movie moment.”

by Bri_Just_Bri September 23, 2019

adult movie

Adult Movie can mean many things but a short definition would be porn.

"Hey will you watch the adult movie i sent you yesterday?"
"Yeah i came a few times"

by G3nius December 13, 2016