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1. Speaking saltily; repetitively "going off" and roasting people in an epic fashion.

2. The condition of having a dry mouth.

1. Yeezy had that salt-tongue at the VMAs.

2. Ugh, all this running is giving me that salt-tongue, you got any water?

by rudester34 June 25, 2015

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Attic Salt

(n.) Pointed and delicate wit.

Laughing is peculiar to man, but all men do not laugh for the same reason. There is the attic salt which springs from the charm in the words, from the flash of wit, from the spirited and brilliant sally. There is the low joke which arises from scurrility and idle conceit. -Carlo Goldoni

by taco_55 January 7, 2019

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Bath salted

Being under the influence or appearing to be under the influence of the various drugs known as 'bath salts'. 'Bath salts' are made from synthetic cathinones and are mostly banned.

This guy randomly came over and tried to bite my face. I think he was all bath salted out.

by Oregon Licorice July 1, 2013

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Heavily Salted

Being incredibly salty or irritated about sucking at a game or activity. This is different from your average brand of saltiness as the salted person will begin to get violent.

You: "Hey, why is Bob kicking that chair?"
Some plebe within earshot: "He got rekt in smash bros.,"
You: "Ahh, I knew he seemed heavily salted."

by Mr Jag October 3, 2016

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Salt milk


His salt milk tastes of other men.

by Guitarmakerx June 22, 2017

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The act of placing a napkin under the lid of a salt shaker, screwing the cap on, and tearing the edges off so it looks like a regular saltshaker, and watching people try to get salt with no success..

similar to cock-blocking but with salt, not cock.

Guy 1- Dude don't get salt out of the saltshaker on the left side of the aisle.

Guy 2- Why?

Guy 1- We are salt-blocking the entire lunch line.

Guy 2- Damn thats awesome, lets watch.

by CaseDog March 4, 2010

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Salt monster

When someone is being really crabby and salty

Maddie was being a huge salt monster when she was mad at everyone at he party

by jpjpjpjpjpjpjp June 23, 2021

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