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Tom Ashton

Tom Ashton is a Pigeon. Retired Youtuber (3rd time retiring) and now a professional Fortnite streamer. He is fat and his sister is fit. Has a large, throbbing, sensitive cherry on the end of his knob. He likes to fiddle with Max Leach, and is the first professional pigeon Fortnite player, who hasn't been delivering on the big stage. He likes to punch monitors and his sister has an egg head.

Nick Hurrell - "yeh big fan, would turn gay for him, however i already am"

by fatobesemale August 6, 2018


An invisible man that follows you around and is only dangerous if you remember that he exists. His name derives from when I mentioned a tombola randomly and someone asked "Who's Tom bola?" which was soon converted into the Tom-Bolla or 'Tom Bolla' name form. The fact that he is invisible implies his lack of clothing. If Tom-Bolla wears clothes you can see him.

Did you just hear a Tom-Bolla trap go off?

by Venion October 8, 2007

Tom and Dave

A term referring to the closest friends people can be. They are both very cool, and attractive, and frankly, Tom get's his nut. In girls, not with Dave. Tom is usually the butch, Dave is the bitch. But they are very good friends. Don't fuck with Tom. Furthermore, don't fuck with Dave, lest you get the wrath of the Tom. Tom and Dave say fuck A LOT.

Arn't Tom and Dave the coolest people you would ever want to meet, and are better then the team of RJ and Alex

by tucker1203 June 11, 2010

Tom Parish

Bag fumbling homie, can't secure bags.

Ted: Tom Parish, go secure the bag.
Tom: I'm afraid I can't. I am a bag fumbler.

by therealslimtomsdad April 4, 2022

Bad Tom

The character "Tom" from "Tom and Jerry" except he's been angry. Summoned by Sanees and the parodied song Mogolovonio, more effective than Gaster Blasters, and much willing to scream at you so loudly and powerfully that the frequencies generate an incinerating beam capable of obliterating anything before it.

Sr. Pelo: no

by Lightwalker360 February 18, 2020

Tom Smith

A prayer often recited by partakers of st anselms secondary school

Our father

Who rides in heaven
Hallowed by our birds breasts
Thy butty come
Thy will be done😉
Give us today our good feeling
And forgive us our unskilled moves
As we forgive hers who too are unskilled
And lead us not into simpnation
And deliver us from evil

Person 1: ayo bro come recite Tom Smith with me
Person 2: yes bro let's take time out of our day to be wierdos
Both: Our father

Who rides in heaven
Hallowed by our birds breasts
Thy butty come
Thy will be done😉
Give us today our good feeling
And forgive us our unskilled moves
As we forgive hers who too are unskilled
And lead us not into simpnation
And deliver us from evil
Person 2: bro that was mas funny🤣

by Gay lord69 December 20, 2020

Tom and Lydia

A pseudonym for when a couple are totally messed up, particularly when the female is a psycho, bunny boiling, condom piercing, friend banning. Chances are she will kill him and leave him in a shallow grave in the woods.

See also pussy whipped!

What's up with Jeff?
Ah he's in a new relationship, and it's all a bit tom and Lydia!
Poor lad

by Monkeymann07 December 14, 2014