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Term used in reference to a piece or pieces of fecal matter that become stuck to a cat or dog's fur, particularly the fur surrounding the animal's anus.This is especially common in old or obese subjects.

The misses and I are constantly arguing over who's turn it is to chase down fluffy in order to remove her chode.

by fishpaw February 25, 2009

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Packing a load of meat in your pants

She likes to puff chode.

by yoink January 17, 2003

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A chubby fat small dick.

Asian,Black,Jake,A gay guy,(Chode)

by ghostkiller69 October 8, 2014

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Fat tiny penis

Dominic seese has a chode

by Pickle juice all on me887 March 7, 2017

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a chode is a penis that is defined by being thicker than it is long (like a tuna can) and can also be used as an offence.

(2people bithcing about bob)
barry: that bob stinks of BO
Tony: yeah! he's a rite chode!

beth: mary slept with matty and she said he had a chode lol!!
megan: OMG REALLY!!!i have 2 tell sum ppl!

by Callum Talbot November 8, 2007

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its not the skin between ur dumass and balls its a cock that is wider than it is long

Phantom has a 1 inch chode.

by not a dumass who thinks a chode is a taint May 15, 2003

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Mix between a chair and a toad - used to sit on and hop around.

Dick: Pull up a chair, you chode.
Dan: What chair?
Dick: Shut up, dick.

by clintonius rex April 24, 2007

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