The phenomenon that occurs when someone in isolation (either voluntary or mandatory) doesn't have enough food in the fridge to generate a meal. It's in this case when the last and only resort is to use whatever you may find in the fridge to prepare one poor, generally-themed meal for the day. This may also happen in a hangover or being very stoned.
Bro I was so stoned I could barely manage to make a fridge shuffle. It was pretty good tho...
I have no food which is worth eating in my fridge. Probably mums leftover fucking pasta sauce.
I was hungry so I went to go look in the fridge then I remembered that my fridge is dry.
noun• exactly like how it sounds.
An alternative to saying a girl has a big butt. Almost like “junk in the trunk”, but modernized.
Dude, look at that girl, that’s a big Cake in da fridge.
When your "on duty" manager fucks off home early to wait for a fridge to be delivered, then the company falls to shit because there is no "on duty manager" present.
It's all gone to shit because the manager has done a Canadian fridge fiddle.
the fridge that shot me with 152mm anal penetration
creepy uncle stalins death fridge Its pretty self explanatory dumbass
Noun, pronounced: "frij-bərg"
When a refrigerator is in dire need of defrosting to the point the ice formation has encompassed and devoured the entirety of the fridges contents.
I was gonna storm Area 51 til I realised my packed lunch wasn't trapped in the fridge-Berg.