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Glitter Dick

The one inch pinch of your grade

The glitter dick john put a hot dog in his pants to make it look like he was packin

by Piss on my cat January 6, 2021

Glitter Dick

The fancy way to fuck someone

Your mom has a Glitter Dick

by McFetacheese November 6, 2017

Glitter Dick

Another name for your fellow gay

"Hey did you just add my contact name as Glitter dick?!"
"Then Im calling you Fuck Fairy"

by Dat Gay Asstard September 19, 2018

Glitter dick

When you dip your dick into glitter so when you cum it’s has pizzazz

For my girls birthday I got her a glitter dick.

by April 12, 2022

Glitter Pumpkins

An inexpensive, yet charming, Martha Stewart holiday craft where seasonal gourds are painted with glue then smothered in glitter. Obviously the craft was inspired by Stewart's petname, which of course was glitter pumpkins, obtained during her 2004 incarceration.

In honor of STD Awareness Month, we will make glitter pumpkins from warty gourds and gift them to promote abstinence.

by BedazzleYourPumpkins October 23, 2010

Glitter Bomb Bitch

A bitter friend that would like to see you fail. The person is salty-sweet, doing nice things that secretly mean harm. This person gives gifts that on the surface seem harmless, but leave behind a cloud of glitter, making a mess that is bothersome and hard to clean. A Frenemy that is calculated and jealous.

That Glitter Bomb Bitch recommended a hair stylist that she knew would ruin my hair!

by TwoFacesPodcast May 8, 2022

Glitter waterslide

When a chick with a dick cumz on the back of another chick with a dick and then throws a had full of glitter on their back.

Your lucky I'm crafty I'm about to glitter waterslide your ass.

by sp70591 July 9, 2016