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take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

property acquired illegally.

the dishonest acquisition of property.

money debt that should be paid but refuse to do so.

My phone got Marcos while I was walking down that dark alley.

He borrowed $203B from me, but decided to Marcos.

He built a lot of roads, but decided to Marcos some of the funds allocated for building those roads.

by dimasilaw May 31, 2022


An incredibly hot, talented Spanish actor with an amazing personality. He is a chick magnet as he possesses the ability to look cute whenever he wants. Also, he is able to play football astoundingly well consistently. Recommended to any hot, single girls looking for a partner. This is your ideal "hombre."

Yesterday I was walking down the street and I crossed paths with a Marcos, the most beautiful thing I've seen in forever.

by ElMago July 22, 2019


Isn’t fat but someone named Carlos is fat. A person named Marcos would be really cool, is hot, is extremely smart, and is a chick magnet.

Did you see the new kid Marcos
Yeah he’s really awesome

by The obvious best November 6, 2019


Marco is the most attractive man you will ever meet. Brown eyes, Brown hair, his body is amazing, and his personality is the best. Marco will make you laugh so hard you might pee your pants. Marco keeps his walls up for a while but wants he lets them down he is the most loving person you’ll ever meet. Marcos fantastic in the sheets and also the worlds best rocket league player. You’ll never know Marcos next move so just be prepared for many surprises. If you ever meet a Marco, you’ll want to keep him in your life for ever. He puts a smile on everyone’s face and will do anything for the ones he loves. If you ever break Marco’s heart you’re an idiot!

Marcos wing man is Bobby

by Weather Channel November 9, 2022



You’re being a marcos right now.

by CaptainVersace June 6, 2019


A yes man , who does anything his friends tell him to and laugh at things that aren’t funny

Nelson - Defend me towards this girl even though i know i’m wrong marco okay

by nenshavaga shwba sHA February 2, 2023


Marco is a bitch ass nigga.

He never ever has gotten "fisse"


He suttertissemand

Marco is a real bitch ass nigga cuz he never gets any pussy and is homoHAGAAAYYYYYY

by Marco kan lide små børn :D September 7, 2021